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Cradle of The Clouds Computing

Step Guide to Deploying IaaS Based Service OpenNebula

Today with the subject Cradle of The Clouds Computing, more and more organizations, when the equipment is physically and morally obsolete, begin to think about the benefits of virtualization and maintaining two or three servers instead of the whole park. So I had to identify the most suitable solution to transfer part of the virtual world systems. As a result of research and experimentation chose the OpenNebula project.

About OpenNebula

The choice of technology and virtualization solutions today, very large, each vendor hypervisor offers dozens of additional add-ins that extend the basic functionality. As a result, to understand all this diversity and choose the most convenient and the best software is not easy.
Cradle of The Clouds

Cradle of The Clouds

After exploring the possibilities offered by such platforms opensorsnymi as Eucalyptus, OpenStack, CloudStack and OpenNebula, it was decided to stay at the last variant, and here's why. Settings Eucalyptus are not always clear, and require constant reading of the documentation, respectively, the probability of making a mistake is quite high. Is gaining momentum and a few more easy to setup OpenStack only by the summer of 2012 figured license (now exclusively Apache License), but the project did not leave the impression of holistic solutions. Probably, because initially, any element can be replaced by another. The result is a good puzzle, which can be folded, but will have to try to earn as required. Developed under the wing of Apache CloudStack fourth version seemed very interesting. In any case, installation is relatively simple, but the configuration process is quite logical. But on closer acquaintance revealed that some settings in the interface CloudStack Managment Server is not available, and try something to improve staffing tool hypervisor is not always interpreted correctly. And so it came to OpenNebula , which impressed moderately simple, logical and functional.

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The project started in 2005 as a research and development, supported by the community and initially distributed with open source (Apache License). The development is sponsored by a large number of organizations, including CERN, FermiLab, China Mobile, the European Space Agency and others. OpenNebula is an open and extensible platform automation of the data center, you can deploy on existing servers, public, private or hybrid the IaaS, functionally similar to Amazon EC2. On the physical server and the cluster can simultaneously use different hypervisors, now is Xen, KVM, and the VMware, as the guest will run any of the supported hypervisors OS. An interface to Amazon EC2, supported API - EC2 Query, OGF OCCI, vCloud and his. The modular architecture allows you to integrate OpenNebula with any virtualization platform, data warehouse manager or management. It supports all the typical clouds technologies and features, including Live Migration (virtual machine can be easily moved to another server).

OpenNebula kernel is written in C ++, management tools - in Ruby and shell. All releases are named after the stellar nebulae.

Infrastructure OpenNebula

Manage OpenNebula infrastructure with the management server, the so-called frontend that can run on Linux or OS X. The communication between the control computer and the cloud cluster nodes occurs via SSH. To store the settings OpenNebula uses MySQL or SQLite database. Implemented image management drives, hot-plug, templates repository, managing the entire lifecycle of VM (creating, cloning, and so on) and Account (user, group, role). Storage subsystem disk images supports several SAN storage and NAS. Access to images from any node in the cluster is organized under the protocols SSH, NFS, SFTP, HTTP, GlusterFS, Lustre, iSCSI / LVM. Virtual networks are created in the Virtual Network Manager, which provides the right level of abstraction and isolation, supported by several technologies: dummy, iptables, ebtables, Open vSwitch, 802.1Q VLAN and VMware.
Cradle of The Clouds

Cradle of The Clouds

For easy management and virtual accounts using multiple levels of abstraction. Physical servers are clustered, which already can distribute and balance loads. Several OpenNebula units are combined into zones (oZones), access to which is organized through abstract data center that contains its own set of resources and accounts. Also used the concept of groups, each with individual settings and the set of available resources that do not intersect with the other.

Cloud OpenNebula can share a few organizations or groups of users to the delegation of authority and setting quotas. It supports several types of accounts with their privileges. All this allows us to create a flexible and adaptable managed infrastructure, in which all have access only to the allotted resources and management functions.

In fact for the administration of physical and virtual systems offered command-line utilities (start at one * - onevm, onehost, oneuser and so on) and OpenNebula Sunstone web interfaces (administration cloud-environments) and OpenNebula Zones (Zone Control).

Features web console allows the VM to deploy, connect to the VNC for him, manage storage, imaging, networking, and so on. Developers offered service OpenNebula Marketplace, allowing easy to install pre-configured virtual environment, prepared by the project. To monitor servers work in Sunstone integrated system Ganglia . In addition, OpenNebula opportunities are extended using modules and add-ons. For example, OpenNebulaApps is another layer that allows you to build on the basis of OpenNebula PaaS (Platform as a Service).

In OpenNebula MarketPlace available ready virtual machine images
In OpenNebula MarketPlace available ready virtual machine images
Regular users manage their system through a web portal OpenNebula Self-Service or via console commands (occi- *), which are essentially add-on interface OCCI (Open Cloud Computing Interface). Web Console presently localized part, although problems in using this causes.


Software OpenNebula is put only on the management server.
OpenNebula installation in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
At the time of this writing the latest version is 3.8.3 (Twin Jet), released in January 2013. In this release, new VMware drivers, various improvements in EC2- and OCCI-interface, VM state management, the KVM hypervisor and more. The project offers a set of images for virtual machines Cloud Sandbox, allowing to quickly deploy the management server, evaluate the performance of and access to demooblaku. Prepared packages for self-installation on x64-version of Ubuntu, Debian, openSUSE, and RHEL / CentOS. Can be installed from source for other Linux distributions.

The required packages are available in the official repositories distributions, but, as a rule, their version of the much delayed. For example, Ubuntu is now the situation is as follows:

$ sudo apt-cache show opennebula | grep -i version  Version: 3.2.1-2
The process of deploying the management server does not seem confusing, and with proper care no surprises there. Set your own Ubuntu and hypervisors will not paint, these issues have already been well covered.

Storage of images in OpenNebula is in the directory / var / lib / one / images. It is better to take a separate partition or drive under it, to later do not worry about availability. The names of all the nodes must be resolved through DNS.

For network management on hosts, we need a bridge. Put the package bridge-utils-and the OpenSSH server, which is required for the remote control:

$ sudo apt-get install bridge-utils openssh-server
Now we set up.

$ sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces  ... auto br0 iface br0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway  bridge_ports eth0 bridge_fd 9 bridge_hello 2 bridge_maxage 12 bridge_stp off
If multiple network cards, the settings for each are similar. Restart the network service and check:

$ sudo service networking restart $ brctl show br0 8000.000c2959428e no eth0 ...
Put the packages needed for OpenNebula:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cgroup-lite cracklib-runtime curl dpkg-dev ebtables g++ g++-4.6 libalgorithm-diff-perl libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl libalgorithm-merge-perl libapparmor1 libcrack2 libdpkg-perl libmysqlclient18 libnuma1 libpq5 libreadline5 libruby1.8 libstdc++6-4.6-dev libvirt-bin libvirt0 libxenstore3.0 libxml2-utils libxmlrpc-c++4 libxmlrpc-core-c3 mysql-common ruby ruby-daemons ruby-eventmachine ruby-json ruby-mysql ruby-nokogiri ruby-password ruby-pg ruby-rack ruby-sequel ruby-sequel-pg ruby-sinatra ruby-sqlite3 ruby-termios ruby-tilt ruby1.8 ruby1.8-dev rubygems thin thin1.8
The project is developed, each new version requires dependencies, so the list is not final and is constantly changing. You can do otherwise: OpenNebula first install the packages, and then perform a «apt-get install -f».

Set up NFS, which is used for distribution of images and settings.

$ sudo nano /etc/exports  /var/lib/one,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,anonuid=10000,anongid=10000)
Do not forget to restart the server:

$ sudo service nfs-kernel-server start
Ready to install OpenNebula. Go to, select and download the package under Ubuntu 12.04. Inside archive several deb-packages (previously used a single file), put it all:

$ tar xzvf Ubuntu-12.04-opennebula-3.8.3.tar.gz $ cd opennebula-3.8.3 $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
For work, we need the MySQL database:

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server $ mysql -u root -p mysql> CREATE USER 'oneadmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'oneadmin'; mysql> CREATE DATABASE opennebula; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON opennebula.* TO 'oneadmin' IDENTIFIED BY 'oneadmin'; mysql> quit;
server settings are stored in /etc/one/oned.conf, it contains a lot of different options, but for now we are interested in connecting to the database:

$ sudo nano /etc/one/oned.conf DB = [ backend = "mysql", server = "localhost", port = 3306, user = "oneadmin", passwd = "oneadmin", db_name = "opennebula" ]
Setting up the environment
During the installation of the deb-package account is created and the group oneadmin, on whose behalf and will processes are running. Also, some commands in the console should only be given on behalf of oneadmin. On the management server for the convenience of a better set a password «sudo passwd oneadmin», on hosts can be used «sudo -u oneadmin».

A similar uchetku need to create and the rest of the hosts, the ID should be the same everywhere. check:

$ id oneadmin  uid=117(oneadmin) gid=111(cloud) groups=111(cloud),129(libvirtd),130(kvm)
Create a remote server group and uchetku oneadmin, generate the key and leave the default settings:

$ sudo groupadd -g 111 oneadmin $ sudo useradd -u 117 -m oneadmin -d /var/lib/one/ -s /bin/bash -g oneadmin $ sudo -u oneadmin ssh-keygen
To manage the server can connect to hosts via SSH without a password, we copy keys and create ~ / .ssh / config.

$ su oneadmin $ cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys $ nano ~/.ssh/config  Host * StrictHostKeyChecking no
Then copy the directory /var/lib/one/.ssh on each node and connects to check that the connection is made without requiring a password. authorization files should be located in a subdirectory of ~ / .one, it is necessary to create and fill manually.

$ mkdir ~/.one
The password is stored in clear text in ~ / .one / one_auth file:

$ echo "oneadmin:p@ssw0rd" > ~/.one/one_auth $ chmod 600 ~/.one/one_auth
During installation packages using the password is automatically generated, it is necessary to redefine the utility oneuser:

$ oneuser passwd 0 p@ssw0rd
The argument "0" specifies the user ID for oneadmin it is equal to 0. The settings are finished, restart the server:

$ su oneadmin $ one stop $ one start
To make sure that authentication is configured correctly, it is better to execute any console command. If the output contains no errors, then everything is done correctly. For example, the list of users:

$ oneuser list  ID NAME GROUP AUTH VMS MEMORY CPU 0 oneadmin oneadmin core - - - 1 serveradmin oneadmin server_c - - -
In case of problems, we see what the magazine writes. Introducing «cat /var/log/one/oned.log», get a listing of the loaded server settings from config and reporting elements start. Also netstat -ant command should show that the port 2633 is open.

Setting Sunstone and Self-Service web console

As already stated, all operations can be performed using the command line tools or web console. The second method more evident and easy to use. Sunstone settings according to /etc/one/sunstone-server.conf, by default only listen to localhost, so the rules:

$ sudo nano /etc/one/sunstone-server.conf  :host: :port: 9869
The rest can not yet touch. Run:

$ su oneadmin $ sunstone-server start
As can be seen from the config, Sunstone uses port 9869, and connects it to the browser, by entering for registration oneadmin data.

Sunstone interface is simple to understand the basic settings will be easy. All settings are divided into five groups:

  • Dashboard - general statistics;
  • System - setup user accounts, groups, and ACL;
  • Virtual Resources - virtual machine images and templates of images;
  • Infrastructure - setting nodes, a virtual network, storage systems and clusters;
  • Marketplace - access to the prepared virtual machine images.
  • By default, anonymous access to Sunstone Marketplace, but if you already have your account in the Marketplace, the data should be included in sunstone-server.conf.

Creating a virtual network in OpenNebula Sunstone
Creating a virtual network in OpenNebula Sunstone
User access to the VM service organized by OCCI, whose settings are /etc/one/occi-server.conf. By default, it also allowed access only from localhost, change:

$ sudo nano /etc/one/occi-server.conf  :host: :port: 4567
The rest can be left alone. Run:

$ occi-server start
Opening the browser on the page obtain access to OpenNebula Self-Service Web Interface, its features are very similar to Sunstone, but of course their little smaller, and they are easier. Also, you can manage your VM using a set of tools occi- *. For example, we get a list of presets:

$ occi-instance-type list
For ordinary users is OpenNebula Self-Service
For ordinary users is OpenNebula Self-Service
Similarly, the service is activated OpenNebula Zones, which are registered in the configuration /etc/one/ozones-server.conf. In addition, the need to create a database ozones. Then run ozones-server start. By default, the connection is made to port 6121.

Virtualization vs Cloud

Today, the fashion, the term "cloud". Despite his promoted, many do not see the fundamental difference between virtualization and cloud do not understand where one ends and another begins. In fact, virtualization - a hypervisor and a set of management tools, each developer prefers to maintain only its own hypervisor, not allowing others to manage. Sam set is designed for the engineer, not the average user.

Platform for building cloud provides an additional level of abstraction, allowing you to not be tied to the physical hardware and the use of a single infrastructure different hypervisors. This approach simplifies the management of large arrays and allows to allocate resources as necessary. And most importantly, ordinary users can participate in the process.

VM Placement Policies

Planner OpenNebula when placing a new VM facility management policies (Data Center Placement Policies), which are specified in /etc/oned/sched.conf. The default packing policy that requires a minimal number of servers that provides minimal fragmentation (variable RUNNING_VMS). striping Policy (-RUNNING_VMS) indicates a uniform distribution of the available VM Servers, it ensures maximum available amount of resources. Installation of load-aware point to the need for VM hosting on a server with a minimum load (FREE_CPU). custom to accommodate policy uses the calculated weight (rank), which the administrator can set yourself (default RUNNING_VMS formula * 50 + FREE_CPU).

Setting VM placement policies sched.conf


Familiarity with project OpenNebula has shown that it is a simple and convenient tool for deploying IaaS-service with the possibility of delegating powers to different users. The settings of each component OpenNebula well documented, so if you have problems to find a reason not to be difficult.

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