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OpenNFV Technology and HP Enterprise

The company the HP the Enterprise launched an online portal OpenNFV Technology, through which service providers will have access to pre-tested virtual functions from more than 60 partner companies in the ecosystem OpenNFV searchable by producers and business cases.

HPE officially launched OpenNFV Portal  in mid December. The report said that "the portal enables service providers to adapt the use of NFV technology on its network. Operators are under constant pressure from the users, and are forced to seek new ways to profit, to accelerate the launch of new services to meet the ever-changing market demands".
OpenNFV Technology

OpenNFV Technology

With OpenNFV Technology, HPE is trying to offer operators NFV its approach to the implementation of organizing "quick access" to a pre-tested virtual network functions (VNF) from a broad partner ecosystem, developed by HP Enterprise.

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Availability of a wide range of tested virtual functions allow the service provider to accelerate the transition to the telco cloud concept. The portal gives service providers access to a ready to implement solutions and a powerful ecosystem OpenNFV Technology.

Werner Schaefer, Vice President of NFV Technology in HPE

The concept of the telco cloud is involves the transformation of carrier-node communication in the cloud data center with the ability to provide customers with the necessary services from a virtualized cloud.

HPE company (while still HP) announced the launch of OpenNFV Technology Program in February 2014 at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The purpose of the project to develop a reference architecture of NFV, consisting of a plurality of units, including hardware, virtual infrastructure, OSS / BSS systems and other similar problems are solved and a group of ETSI NFV, dedicated to the design. Architecture MANO NFV (the Management and Orchestration).

OpenNFV Technology Portal gathered in one place and the software partner services to help telecommunications companies to adapt NFV technology. For almost two years the company has managed to create an entire ecosystem, consisting of the world's leading developers of NFV.

Through the portal, service providers have access to the virtual functions in more than 60 partner companies with the ability to search for vendors and business cases. The ecosystem includes companies such as F5 Networks, Intel Security, Genband, Brocade, A10 Networks, Kemp and others. The portal provides a lot of VNF, including virtual marshrtizatory, firewalls, intrusion prevention systems (IPS / IDS), load balancers, IPSec VPN, system inspection of traffic and vCPE (Customer Premise Equipment).

Each product was pre-tested in the laboratory OpenNFV Labs, created by HPE. Testing includes a comprehensive review on the following criteria:

  • Basic addition of VNF;
  • The life cycle (start, restart, delete, etc.);
  • Checking the compatibility with the infrastructure manager (Virtualized Infrastructure Manager, VIM), which is an HP Helion OpenStack - commercial version of OpenStack HPE;
  • Monitoring;
  • Basic functionality, including the ability to be embedded in a chain of network services (Service Chaining);
  • Performance.
Also VNF were tested for the ability to integrate with external OSS / BSS systems, but it remains unclear - what systems integration was performed and to what extent.

The architecture of the infrastructure manager is OpenNFV Technology HPE Helion OpenStack. Of course, the company is not limited to this means and may use other hypervisors including VMware. It is clear that the level of the hardware architecture also focused on the use of servers, network switches and storage of HPE, but implied the possibility of third-party equipment.

The company officially announced that the portal will be developed in the phase mode. Product tested network functions is available now, and the 2016 launch VNF vendor shop, making the designer on the basis of NFV and service implementation services. The exact date of the launch of new services is not yet known.

It is not that simple…

Despite the fact that HPE has achieved significant progress, it does not mean that the operator can simply select the virtual function from a catalog and quickly implement it.

"We're not talking about some kind of plug-and-play capabilities. It is not that simple! If the service provider has already done a lot of work in the field of NFV and is now looking for new opportunities to expand the portfolio of services provided, the introduction of a new function will not take long. In this regard, the operator AT&T has achieved great success with their initiative Domain 2.0, says Werner Schaeffer.

Much also depends on the current status of the network operator and the particular use-case. Each network function should be optimized for operation in a particular network and integrated with back-office systems operator.

Data Infonetics Research

The interest of service providers to OpenNFV Technology is constantly growing. According to the agency Research, Infonetics, 35% of operators plan to implement virtualization technology network functions this year, and another 48% actively conducted tests in 2015.

Despite the fact that we are still in the early stages of a long process of transition to network architectures based on SDN and NFV, many service providers will move from laboratory testing to commercial deployment during 2015. In fact, almost all the major operators are either in the process of testing technology, or planning to do so in the next few years. Companies believe that NFV and SDN will fundamentally change the approach to the construction of carrier networks and will bring a lot of advantages, including quick start services, new revenue streams, operating efficiency and reduce capital expenditures

Michael Howard, principal analyst in the field of carrier networks in the Infonetics Research

Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is one of the main component for creating fast, scalable and automated networks. The technology allows service providers to increase revenue streams by virtualizing the network and reduce the cost of specialized equipment and infrastructure maintenance.

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