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SLA in Cloud Computing

SLA in Cloud Computing - Cloud service providers provide different guarantees, which include the availability of services and resources that are specified in the SLA. Most often, this agreement is abbreviated - SLA, and in this article we will talk about important nuances that need to be spelled out in the SLA IaaS-provider (example 1cloud the SLA).
SLA in Cloud Computing

SLA in Cloud Computing

increasing number of applications and the amount of computing tasks are moving to IaaS. Therefore IaaS-providers try to ensure customers a certain level of security and comfort, and to adapt to changing market demands, as well as the legislation of the countries in which they provide services. All this leads to changes in the SLA.

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"Some aspects of the SLA in cloud providers today are outdated or, furthermore, cause confusion. For example, there are providers who in their prescribed SLA ban on the dissemination of information about failures in infrastructure - says the expert in the field of cloud services, David Linthicum. What does not help neither to the provider nor his customers, because it is difficult to call such conditions fair".

In an attempt to standardize and provide advice on drafting SLAs European Commission has launched a document progress, the purpose of which is to provide greater transparency for businesses when dealing with cloud services and the study of SLA. The initiative SLALOM name and as CIF says she would "reduce uncertainty" when migrating to the cloud infrastructure.

The new document contains proposals and practices of influential players in the cloud market. "The team has compiled a list of terms from the sphere of cloud computing, which cover all aspects of the relationship between the provider and the client", says Oliver Barreto from Atos.

SLALOM The document you can find on the link, and then we will examine a few priority items to be brought to the attention of the provider in the preparation of their SLAs.

SLA in Cloud Computing - The level of availability

In the cloud provider's SLA should be identified key metrics that describe the performance of cloud service. It's about service availability, the number of users who can access the service at the same time, as well as the time required to process user transactions. For example, IaaS-provider can guarantee the availability of applications 99.5% of the time.

You should also indicate the time frame in which this level of availability is ensured that there were no questions from customers. If we continue the example, the provider can provide access to applications and 99.5% of the time from 8 am to 8 pm on weekdays. This parameter has a name consistent uptime service, or SVR.

However, note that when choosing a provider to pay attention, you need to also take into account whether the provider is willing to solve problems and difficulties. For example, we offer companies 1cloud backup that runs once a day, to protect user data from loss in case of emergency situations. Copying is performed on a remote disk array, which makes the data available for recovery even if the unavailability of the server's file system (in the case of irreversible implementation of user actions).

SLA in Cloud Computing - Exceptions

The SLA must be allowed to prescribe the conditions under which the provider does not guarantee the availability and performance of these. Since this section releases the supplier from fulfilling his duties, the list of restrictions to be strict and brief.

For example, limiting the availability during planned maintenance work and software updates, as well as in the event of force majeure, in particular, the failure of third party equipment. Another option the refusal of software due to violation of the recommendations of the client, registered in the product documentation.

Also it should be noted in the SLA guarantees the availability of virtual infrastructure management interface. This is to avoid misunderstandings and other incidents when the customer urgently required to increase the power consumption and self-service console was available.

SLA in Cloud Computing - Monitoring

Prescribe in agreement all that relates to the security and reliability of data storage. We are talking about the reliability and confidentiality of information, as well as data integrity. Determine the right of access to information, and the range of those responsible in the case of its damage.

Provide information about the recovery instruments after the accident, and stipulate the procedure error messages and the output of equipment failure: the format and timeframe. Specify what action to restore the functioning of the systems will be used.

SLA in Cloud Computing - Compensation

provider shall determine the spectrum of compensation which he pays in the event of violation of indicators of availability and other quality parameters. The responsibility of service providers should be set at no less than 100% payment for the reporting period with long idle. For example, 1cloud guarantee 100% reimbursement of the cost of service when network availability less than 76.98%.

SLA in Cloud Computing - Calculations

Many clients are faced with the question of the correct execution of payments. To the client I was calm and knew "what to expect" that his calculations should be consistent with the values offered by the supplier. A good option is to use detailed formulas. We also recommend to bring visual design examples. This will help the IT department of the client to establish the volume of needed hardware and facilities, as well as to determine the software to the organization.

It is important to remember that SLAs for cloud services differ from other SLA. Unscrupulous vendors sometimes prefer to build relations on the principle of "one to many", meaning the use of a single SLA and offering it to all customers. This approach is good for suppliers, but it is not suitable for clients with specific tasks.

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