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Cloud Computing and Data Center

When it comes to changes in the field of Cloud Computing and Data Center, the trends speak for themselves.

Moreover, as noted Cisco, for 2018 78% of all workloads will be processed by cloud data centers. Also, by 2018, 59% of the total load will be in the cloud SaaS. In our time it is impossible to imagine the work of a major bank or telecommunications provider without processing huge amounts of data that need to be stored somewhere, somehow to process and transmit. All this leads to significant and rapid changes in the data center.

Cloud Computing and Data Center

The starting point of a new era can be considered as virtualization, which has become a key factor to improve the efficiency of use of the equipment. As soon became clear, you can virtualize almost everything: servers, storage systems, telephone and postal services.
Cloud Computing and Data Center

Cloud Computing and Data Center

The first organizations that moved from an understanding of the issue-specific actions, began developing an Internet company, at that time forced to cope with incredible pace of growth of client base and ensure high infrastructure requirements.

Then there were the first providers of cloud services, the products of which were available for rent virtualized servers and software. The third wave of virtualization to the enterprise market approached for which by that time were available and proven solutions.

In this regard, we began to develop new technological approaches to data center IT infrastructure. The first thing worth mentioning is the emergence of management and orchestration of infrastructure services that make a set of virtualized servers in the system of cloud-based services, such as SaaS, PaaS, IaaS. All this is to some extent increased the degree of utilization of servers and network connections in the data center.

Cloud Computing and Data Center

However, the main driving force behind the data center market is becoming a model converged infrastructure (CI), in other words is a converged infrastructure. This infrastructure should be called not so much the driving force behind much likely form factor of the future of data centers. At its core, converged infrastructure is a consolidated version of the organization of various IT components into an optimized computing solution. In general, it includes: servers, networking equipment, storage systems and the need to manage software.

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CI allows businesses to centralize the management of IT Resources, consolidate systems and reduce costs. The implementation of these objectives is achieved through the creation of a pool of compute nodes and other resources distributed among applications. If previously under each service or application involves a single computing resource, the converged model optimizes their use.

The catalyst for the development of a converged infrastructure can be considered a technology related to flash memory.

The natural reaction architectures developers of data centers on the emergence of a large number of non-volatile technologies (data read speed which is much higher than that of hard disk drives) was the creation of a cluster of chip flash memory chip under the control of emulating disk controller. SSD replaces the hard drives in critical places, this process takes place in the data center for several years.

On the server SSD field began to displace the small built-in SAS-drives with low latency. As for the rest of the server, large pools of flash memory have become an alternative to or an interface for large disk arrays with high volume. Also offers arrive periodically replace store "cold" data is a slowly high-capacity drives, which stores less frequently used data - flash arrays.

It is understood that the clouds have a significant impact on network solutions. Cloud technologies have increased the dependence of many companies working on the data center, because modern data center must function without interruption and services stops providing accessibility to a level close to 100%.

Cloud Computing and Data Center

Just a couple of years ago, in 2012, the annual volume of traffic data centers was 1 exabyte, and in 2015 he approached the 3 exabytes. Experts predict that in 2019 data center traffic will be 8.6 exabytes per year.

In this regard, data center architects need to be able to correctly predict the load at the construction stage, this is not a trivial task. Initially, too much of the infrastructure for the first time will not be beneficial to use and is easy to heat the air in the data center.

Architects need to understand that working with converged systems and platforms imposes specific requirements for the construction of power and cooling, which should be easily scalable and efficient in terms of costs. It is the need to maintain a low temperature causes the world companies to open data centers in the most unusual places.

Swedish ISP Bahnhof AB built a data center in Stockholm in the former bunker at a depth of 30 meters. Carved into the rock room after reconstruction remained intact as much as possible, although it was slightly expanded to fit the office there.

Argue with him can project Ice Cube, located next to the polar Amundsen-Scott station, close to the South Pole. This data center is considered to be the most southerly in the world and is used for processing large volumes of data generated by various research station devices.

Cloud Computing and Data Center

Natural anomalies are generally very often used in order to achieve maximum cooling effect in the data center. For example, the center of Green Mountain, located in the Norwegian fjord, is cooled by the air flow generated in the narrow openings between the mountains. This approach is fairly harmless and can significantly save energy consumed by the cooling unit.

In addition to the underground data centers, there are other unusual solutions. American entrepreneurs have decided to launch a network of floating data center. Arnold Magcale, Keck and Daniel Kekai believe that these data centers will be better protected from natural disasters such as earthquakes, moreover, in the case of an emergency they can be moved from place to place. During 6 years of start-up engaged in the construction of a test data center: The project included the registration of a patent for a cooling system that uses water, which floats on the data center.

These unusual solutions when the data centers help the forces of nature, provide unprecedented flexibility and scalability, as it is possible to increase the capacity of the system without investing additional funds in the purchase or improvement of cooling systems.

In conclusion, we note that all changes to the infrastructure, interconnected, and often a breakthrough in one of the areas, such as storage devices, entails a series of other events. Ultimately, all the effort is to improve the competitiveness and financial performance data centers, providing cloud services to their end users, allowing for upgrades without interrupting service and implement the best solutions.

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