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Cloud Provider Vs Hosting Provider

Cloud Provider Vs Hosting Provider - IT Outsourcing in the form of collocation, rent computing resources of certified accommodation platform, infrastructure management provider forces have long been commonplace. It is not less common misconceptions when technology solutions providers and even non-clouds, called such. How to distinguish the cloud provider from the usual hosting provider, what is the difference between the services and how to avoid mistakes when selecting a supplier, be discussed in this article.

Cloud Provider is a company that provides services and solutions based on cloud computing, using a wide range of virtual computing resources, including virtual servers, virtual storage, virtual networks. For flexible cloud infrastructure management service provider offers its customers a tool in the form of a self-service portal, with which you can create, delete, configure VMs to regulate power provided (storage, memory, network), network settings and more.
Cloud Provider Vs Hosting Provider

Cloud Provider Vs Hosting Provider

However, this definition is unlikely to be useful in practice. To understand what services the hosting provider different from the provider of cloud services and what is the difference between these actors should carry out a detailed analysis of infrastructure, the technologies used and the proposed solutions.

Cloud Provider Vs Hosting Provider

It's like comparing two "iPhone": The original and the fake. If you have never held in the hands of the original product, taking a fake, you do not notice the difference. But if you ever use genuine device to recognize a copy will not be difficult. So it is here: if you consume the cloud service provider familiar with the level of quality and features of the services provided - you know exactly what to expect. If you have never used the services of the cloud provider, the features that are listed below will help orient.

The cloud provider is different from the hosting provider (how to find the differences)

# Differences in Technology

And the cloud and hosting provider now can not do without the use of virtualization technologies. However, virtualization virtualization discord. Held and mature cloud provider is using a wide range of virtual computing resources, including virtual servers, virtual storage, virtual networks. Hosting Provider, on the contrary, offers limited functionality for service and limited virtualization at the server level.

#Differences in Service Management Methods

Visit the website hosting provider, the customer is able to create a virtual server in minutes. You are invited to an interactive resource control panel, where you can select the data center accommodation, the operating system is determined by the performance of the equipment, set backup options, select the appropriate tariff for the price and consumption of resources. The variant of hourly, daily and monthly payment. The client receives a server preset with the specified settings without the possibility of independent changes. There is no management flexibility, and changes are organized only on request to the hosting provider.

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In the case of cloud supplier situation is quite different: the client is given the flexibility to manage their own virtual infrastructure through a self-service portal, such as vCloud Director. By means of this console, you can create, delete, configure the virtual machines to regulate the power provided by assigning them to the appropriate virtual machine (CPU, RAM, HDD), configure the network settings to create templates, work with the catalog, etc.

To deploy the necessary services, the customer creates a vApp by the addition of a public directory, or create a virtual machine with zero.

Recall that vApp is a container that hosts virtual machines. vApp can combine them to their destination (such as a mail server, accounting, and so on. d.) and manage the VM Group.

For existing virtual machines the customer can change the characteristics of a free way: the number of virtual the CPU, memory, increase the amount of the existing drive, adding new disks, connect the VCR to a particular network, to create snapshots of, control the power and other VMs.

#Differences in Methods of Accounting Services

The method of accounting services, or billing is the key moment, far from separating the hosting provider of cloud services provider. Hosting provider often uses outdated method of accounting services, which requires mandatory participation of the human and makes the process inflexible.

The cloud provider is using a different method of accounting services and uses in its work the billing module is the main component, which provides business operations by automating the following functions:

  • Opening and closing of the trial period,
  • Accepting payments,
  • Invoiced closing documents.

Without automating these tasks, it would be difficult to maintain even a few dozen members, not to mention the thousands and millions of customers, which is the usual number for the cloud provider. In addition, automated billing minimizes support costs for users and demonstrates the maturity of the cloud provider.

The Cloud Provider is Different from The Data Center

If the difference between the cloud provider from the hosting provider is not so obvious is the difference between the cloud provider and the data center is essential. First, the data center is a cloud of accommodation space, without which no cost, no one supplier. As a rule, the cloud provider leases the allocated space within the data center, enabling fail-over.
Cloud Provider Vs Hosting Provider

Cloud Provider Vs Hosting Provider

Secondly, being a specialized platform for secure placement and ongoing operation of IT, data centers usually offer a range of services for the storage, transfer and deployment of corporate information resources and the establishment of backup IT platforms. However, the services provided by different data centers, may vary. The table below lists the most common services offered by data centers.

Services Provided by Data Centers

Provision of cloud services is not a profile view of data center services. But sometimes in the data center site you can find information on "Cloud Services IaaS", which, as a rule, do not provide the data center, and a trusted partner of the data center in the face of the cloud provider.

What Services does the Cloud Provider

The cloud provider usually provides an extensive list of services tailored to customer's needs. Mature and experienced supplier, they have had a large number of completed projects, take into account the smallest needs of customers and offers services that are relevant to the market.

The most popular types of services are:

Virtual Infrastructure (Iaas) Vs IT Outsourcing (ITaaS)

Virtual Infrastructure (Iaas) Vs IT Outsourcing (ITaaS)

Cloud Provider Vs Hosting Provider - Conclusion

In this article, we reviewed the features that distinguish the cloud provider from a hosting provider and data center. It was found out that the cloud provider offers services and solutions based on cloud computing for small, medium and large businesses. For this purpose, use a wide range of virtual computing resources, including virtual servers, virtual storage, virtual networks. In this case the client is given a flexible tool to manage their own virtual infrastructure, but the problem of reception of payments or monthly invoicing closing documents are organized automatically.

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