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How to Reduce Cloud Storage Costs

How to Reduce Cloud Storage Cost - Anyone who has faced with the growing popularity of technologies of virtualization, certainly aware of the various opportunities for savings that have already confirmed the earliest VMware polls: Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) in this case is reduced by an average of 74%. However, many overlook the attention of the infrastructure, which relates to data storage.
How to Reduce Cloud Storage Cost

How to Reduce Cloud Storage Cost

Infrastructure developers often do not pay enough attention to the organization of data storage, which leads to inefficient use of equipment and inefficient allocation of burden on services. This leads to an increase in price of the relevant tools, with from 30% to 70% of costs spent on professional consultation.

In our blog Habré we have repeatedly raised questions related to the topic: talking about storage devices, considered the new technologies of the future and talked about the applicability of Moore's Law to predict the situation. Today we would like to discuss approaches to reducing costs, the underlying idea that the era of "lean production" is the storage infrastructure is one of the obvious solutions to save good.

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Everyone knows that the data must be stored somewhere, and the amount increases with time. However, to see the difference between the tools for storing data and consider their advantages, which will operate for at three years, as before, but five or even seven in most organizations, it is necessary to possess specific technical knowledge.

How to Reduce Cloud Storage Costs

The main complexity of infrastructure development is to be able to see more general trends in the area of data storage and choose a strategy that would ensure a reliable and efficient solution for companies at an affordable price. To do this, you need to soberly assess the cost of storage components, as well as alternatives to the high functionality, which would allow to optimize capital and operating costs.

In the opinion of leading industry analysts such as Gartner, hardware acquisition costs account for only one-fifth share of the annual costs of storage operation. Capital costs are very small compared to the operating costs.

Companies often irrationally spend money and acquire the best solutions on the market, but keep them on application data that do not require high performance. Failure to take advantage of the hierarchical storage management is the core technology for the allocation of infrastructure data in accordance with the frequency of queries, updates, and other criteria - in practice leads to a drastic reduction in the efficiency of resource use.
How to Reduce Cloud Storage Cost

How to Reduce Cloud Storage Cost

We as a provider of virtual infrastructure services are well aware that virtualization is a tool that fully discloses its potential only if you use it wisely. There are many types of virtualization (here we talked about their pros and cons), and just as server virtualization since its introduction has reduced the cost and increased the efficiency of the placement and use of server hardware, virtualization, storage systems can unlock the potential of the infrastructure, while reducing its cost ownership.

In a virtualized environment, the storage resource pool is used, which eliminates the need to frequently change the infrastructure. Storage pools can have its own set of features and services, for example, with a focus on performance optimization. You can collect a pool of low productivity in the wheels, which will store the bulk of the data, and technologies such as thin provisioning, deduplication and compression, can be applied depending on the region or infrastructure needs.

How to Reduce Cloud Storage Costs

There are many approaches to storage virtualization: from the installation of the hardware controller to which the "attached" all storage, virtualization and finishing compounds or mount point (mount points), in which the storage system is connected to the server and its operating system. Systems of this type use the DRAM, posing on all servers in a shared cache that can be used to buffer and application acceleration. In addition, possible to work with I/O channels between the data carriers and the server and load balancing on these connections to consistently provide the highest performance connection between the server and storage systems.

Thus, all physical storage, memory and connection work within an integrated resource infrastructure that can distribute and release, zoom and control easily: move data between tiers, to include specific data in a well-defined storage, migrate data between volumes or pools. All of these processes, which would leave too much time and money is much simpler in a virtualized storage environment. With the appropriate SDS Solution, the process of implementing the necessary infrastructure services is greatly simplified.

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