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Main Advantage of Red Hat Cloud Strategy - Red Hat and Microsoft

Main Advantage of Red Hat Cloud Strategy - Recently there was a  beta version of the Enterprise Hat's Virtualization of Red 3.0, an industrial platform for the organization of virtual infrastructure management. Judging from the first reviews, done huge work is in RHEV 3.0 is very much revised and appended. Reading materials dedicated to this news, I came across an article written a year ago (25 August 2010), and decided to translate it. Just to show that Red Hat has a well-designed virtualization strategy, and it appeared not yesterday.

Main Advantage of Red Hat Cloud Strategy

Red Hat pulled off the veil of secrecy from its Cloud Strategy. The company intends to focus on promoting interrelationship and application portability.

Cloud Strategy Red Hat includes a PaaS (Platform as a Service, Platform as a Service) based on middle-ware JBoss and designed in order to provide freedom of choice and thus become, the preferred platform for developers, Cloud Applications.
Main Advantage of Red Hat Cloud Strategy

Main Advantage of Red Hat Cloud Strategy

Paul Cormier, Red Hat president of products and technology business, said that Red Hat strives to adapt all its products to the Cloud Computing. According to Cormyr, there are only two companies that can provide a full stack of software for building a cloud - Red Hat and Microsoft.

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In other words, Red Hat is positioning its products for cloud-provider and as an alternative to Microsoft Azure Platform. But the main argument of Red Hat: "Customers should not be locked into a cloud platform".

Main Advantage of Red Hat Cloud Strategy

Red Hat Executives say that the management of infrastructure companies is becoming more and more a hybrid - part of it will inevitably be transferred to "the cloud", of the plan is to be the center of such hybrid media. It should be noted that the Market Cloud Management, in addition to Red Hat has several other players from BMC Software and CA to Hewlett-Packard and IBM.

In general, Red Hat aims to beat the competition on virtualization, such as VMware and Citrix in the same way that it has achieved success in the server market. Among the key areas of Red Hat Cloud Plans:

  • PaaS-Strategy Red Hat will be directly related to the middle-ware JBoss. the product will be developed that allows both enterprises and cloud service providers to build and deploy applications.
  • JBoss will become more flexible in order to support multiple development platforms, using Java, Spring, Ruby, etc.
  • JBoss Cloud software will be available both on the Red Hat platform, and the Amazon EC2 or Windows Hyper-V.
  • PaaS-product of Red Hat will have a standardized containers. The idea here is to easily carry these containers in a variety of "cloud".
  • The company submitted its application programming interfaces (API) for Apache Delta-cloud to the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). This transfer should contribute to the promotion of Red Hat technologies.
  • Red Hat will focus on application compatibility with your software Cloud Foundations.
  • Red Hat announced a partnership with companies such as Intel, Symantec and Wipro.
Portability is always current, so it is a weighty argument in Red Hat Positions. In the end,  the vendor the lock-in a big problem for technical managers, considering the use of cloud computing. Given that Red Hat has almost all the components to build "cloud", the company's strategy involves the independence and neutrality in relation to other vendors and "iron".

In other words, Red Hat will try to take the market by providing application portability between the "cloud" providers of infrastructure and services.

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