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Cloud Security Issues

Cloud Computing Issues is one of the most fascinating technologies used at the moment. We constantly monitor the news and trends in this area. More recently we have published material devoted to changes in the IT Infrastructure, and today we would like to look at the security trends.
Cloud Security Issues

Cloud Security Issues

According to the Amit Pandey, CEO of the company Avi Networks, clouds will soon engulf wave of cyber attacks:
"The International Working Group for the Study of cloud failover constantly monitors the downtime and evaluates security risks, says Pandey. So far, there were no serious threats or service availability problems. However, as soon as more and more businesses begin to transfer its infrastructure outsourcing, the number DDoS and other cyber attacks to rise".

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However, this does not stop people. Growth in the number of malicious rapidly developing region is a natural process. RightScale project regularly examines the cloud market. Starting in 2013, obstacle to adaptation clouds is considered safe, but in 2016 "palm" intercepted the lack of resources and expertise of the IT Staff. This is due to the fact that people see what work is being done in the field of cloud security, and their fears gradually collapsing.

The conference CNews Conferences and CNews Analytics gathered at the round table by representatives of vendors about Cloud Computing Issues, service providers and customers discussed the future development of the cloud industry. At the moment, the clouds represent a vertical structure, when users turn to the need for a higher data center and get an answer to your request.

About Cloud Computing Issues, according to statements by experts of the forum, with the time to replace them should come horizontal, decentralized structure where there is no single data center, and data is transferred from one device to another. For example, according to this principle works messenger FireChat.

In this new paradigm of classic security measures will be ineffective. Firewall protection can not provide, since all the important events occur at the boundaries of the network, and to perform user authentication is not central verification service. Market participants believe that the solution to the problems will blokcheyn technology used in transactions with cryptocurrency.

"Blokcheyn is a distributed database and is very important for Cloud Computing Issues, where all participants of the process are the owners of the information and confirm each other" an expert RCCPA.

Experts also agreed that will be solved with the help of in the near future, growing traffic and security virtualization of network functions (NFV) and construction of software-defined networking (SDN). To support these trends and participants Interop Las-Vegas 2016, also dedicated to the topic of network security.

"Distribution software-defined networks will have an impact on modern IT Market, as was the case with virtual machines, says Cameron Camp, a researcher at the Company's Security ESET If you have experience in the field of network security, SDN will open new opportunities" for you.

The technology and software-defined networks is a logical continuation of the evolution of network technology, which is increasingly integrated with program management, and virtualization.

According to the forecast of analysts, by 2018 the volume of SDN global market will grow to $ 35 billion, and 40% of all data network costs will be associated with the SDN. The first software-defined networks will be demanded by service providers and enterprise data centers.

SDN The essence consists in the "control plane" separation from "data plane". In traditional switches and routers these processes are integrated and inseparable from each other, and in the case of SDN given management controllers, monitors the status of the entire network. Devices no longer need to know hundreds of protocols, they just follow the instructions of the controller, which means savings on hardware stuffing.

Through SDN technology company receives vendoronzavisimy control over the network from a single location, and administrators can program the network as a whole, not wasting efforts on individual devices. Moreover, it can be "on the fly" to change the characteristics of the network, which will reduce the time scanning of new applications and services.

On the "north" side of the controller provides the API, enabling developers to create applications for network management. Such applications can perform a variety of business challenges: access control, bandwidth control, etc., and their developers do not need to know the details of the operation of specific network devices.

Another topic for discussion at the conference was the network virtualization platform VMware NSX. In the words of Delfino House, VMware vice president of network and information areas, "security is the main reason for switching to NSX".

If an attacker were able to "penetrate" into the network environment, it gets access to processes and data, and is able to cause serious damage. VMware NSX System Management software-defined networks, solves this problem. For each process creates its own mikrosetevoe environment that isolates the system running on the same platform.

Cloud Computing Issues - Microsegmentation is a good way to counter different kinds of attacks, if the attacker and be able to "break" into the system, he can not go beyond the assigned slot. Level microsegmentation virtual networks with VMware NSX is the next step in the adaptation of cloud technology and solves the security problem and the flexible use of network resources. However, despite all the advantages, to date, virtualized and SDN-based network security tools had not yet spread widely enough.

"These technologies are at relatively early stages of development and are more the exception than the rule", concludes Dave Lewis, according to Akamai Security Advisor.

However, the potential is there. Given how extensively these technologies are discussed participants of the conference, it is expected that soon these decisions will take their place in the stack technology data center.

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