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Myths About Cloud Computing

Myths About Cloud Computing - Over the past decade, cloud computing become a mature technology, but it is still surrounded by an aura of myths concerning management features, security, and business benefits. For this reason, today we want to discuss and debunk some of the most common myths, using its own experience in the development of virtual infrastructure provider.
Myths About Cloud Computing

Myths About Cloud Computing

Myths About Cloud Computing - Myth No. 1:
"Sit" I do not understand, "the girl" in IaaS-tech support provider

Often people think that technical support specialists are a little understanding staff who "sit" on the phone just to "fight back" from customers formulaic phrases, memorized a piece of paper.

Perhaps this approach to service has been popular for some time ago, but today business leaders understand that is not enough just to provide high-quality service - need to adequately serve customers. With any product or service problems occur periodically, so users need somewhere to turn for help. The more complex the product, provided by the company, the more open it should be.

When representatives of the organization can be contacted on a variety of platforms (forums, blogs, channels Telegram), it allows you to create a relationship of trust. In this case, users are sure that if there are problems, they can get help quickly.

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All mass appeals are processed quickly and in a standardized manner: no matter what time of day we organize a conference with the participation of senior representatives in each direction of our work (network administrators, experts in virtualization, disk arrays, automation), which eliminates the "otfutbolivanie" issue from specialist to expert.

This approach once again helped us to quickly cope with the unavailability of the client virtual machines as a result of DDoS-attacks. Then we solved the problem in less than 15 minutes after receiving the first call from a client.

The second "line of defense" has specific knowledge of the network infrastructure and data storage systems, and also owns a line of VMware software products: vCloud Director, vSphere, and others.

As to the third level of support, these people know the features of the architecture implementation of the IaaS and have the skills of system administration and development on .NET, that is engaged by the complex and interesting tasks.


To create technical support can not be approached carelessly and just plant a couple of people on the phones. It is necessary to constantly improve the quality of services, improve the level of automation of the processing of user queries for existing services. This saves time and customer and employee call center.
Myths About Cloud Computing

Myths About Cloud Computing

By organizing the work of technical support, the company commit serious blunders. It is often possible to observe how executives do not discuss personnel mistakes, do not give them tips on the operation.

Employees must be able to competently communicate quickly "extract" from the user's important information, as soon as possible to correct the problem, and politely refuse the client in order to avoid conflict situations. User service should not have the impression that he was not appreciated.

Support Worker must be able to apologize for the mistakes committed by IT-department, even if it is not so. The user does not matter because someone had a problem, he needs someone who will take responsibility and will fix everything.

At work there is any. Exit the building can anything, because engineers have to fix equipment, and support staff - to explain the situation to customers. Each incident should be documented so that you can determine what works to improve the delivery of IT-services were conducted and which are ongoing.

This information is then analyzed and, if necessary, in the Customer Support Rules shall be amended accordingly. In this way, for example, we have a three-level technical support structure. In addition, we have carefully read the comments to the blog content and working to ensure that our IaaS-services are not only useful, but also comfortable.

Myths About Cloud Computing - Myth No. 2:
Managing a virtual infrastructure - it is difficult to

This is another common myth that has its roots deep in the time of the birth of virtualization. Although the first development in this area began a long time ago, many years, this technology has been used only in a narrow class of systems. Hence the growing misconception that work with virtual hard as it can afford only large companies with a large staff, a large purse and qualified engineers.

Today the situation has changed dramatically, and the possibilities of virtual machines used by the company not only from Fortune-500. Vendors a variety of virtualization platforms can cite as an example the successful solutions that are embedded in the banks, government and educational institutions as well as hospitals and companies of all sizes. All of these organizations are taking advantage of technology and save on maintenance, personnel, hardware.

In the current realities of virtualization, on the contrary, it simplifies your work and makes it more difficult. The technology automates labor-intensive tasks, which leaves most of the time IT staff.

For example, in a couple of clicks to create your own server templates, deploy new virtual machines. Similarly, it creates a private network, in this case the customer is not necessarily have knowledge of the VPN. In the case of traditional infrastructure would require a significant financial investment and time-consuming.


It is worth noting that our customers are able to manage their servers from third-party applications using  the REST the API . Once developing such an application, you can manage the virtual infrastructure (eg mobile phone) from anywhere in the world. Here here you can see an example of using the API: the method of "Action on the server" to track the status of a specific task.

In the case of hosting API-interface is useful for both private users who do not want to deal with complex technologies, and major partners, who plan to establish their own services on the basis of the infrastructure provider.

By using API methods to deploy the server can be in one query, while fully automating the task of hosting the management (or, for example, scaling infrastructure) without the need for taking any action in the hands of the interface.

Myths About Cloud Computing - Myth No. 3:
Need special to serve cloud infrastructure

This myth is the result of the previous one. CEOs believe that manage the infrastructure is difficult, so they want to hire a separate specialist to the cloud infrastructure that serviced. Yes, a skilled IT Department will solve all the problems in the best possible way, but the providers themselves are doing everything possible to facilitate the users to work with their systems.

Consumers can easily and on their own to use (or disable) the additional computing power without contacting the staff and technicians on the side of the service provider.

For example, our customers can in a couple of clicks to change the hardware configuration of the server itself to the current needs: increase CPU, RAM, HDD "on the fly". Above is a  calculator, order a new virtual server, and below - the control panel configurator resources.

In order to understand at what point should be added to the computing power, also optionally communicate with the staff of the supplier and seek the help of a single expert. To do this, providers offer function monitoring the load on the servers.

In this case, the user sees the data loading CPU, memory load, the load on the link, and the average number of read and recorded information per unit of time (figure below).

This automated monitoring systems record the alert in the event of failure of one of the components of the infrastructure, as well as alert you to the achievement of critical load values to the server.

Thus, for use with virtual infrastructure necessarily to hire an individual engineer, because the cloud provider offers the most transparent information about the state of the infrastructure. And if still there are any questions, "on the wire" is the technical support, which experts are ready to consult at any time.

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